Local family database Schöppenstedt
Family report
Johann Heinrich Ludwig FRICKE
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There are similar people in the OFB NLF!
There are similar people in the OFB Baltimore, Maryland, USA!
There are similar people in the OFB Lesum und Bramstedt!
There are similar people in the OFB Kirchlinteln!
There are similar people in the OFB Visselhövede im Landkreis Rotenburg!
There are similar people in the OFB Teufelsmoor!
There are similar people in the OFB Rotenburg (Wümme)!
There are similar people in the OFB Wittlohe!
Johann Dierk FRICKE ✶ 07.01.1819 in Neddenaverbergen bei Verden, † 02.02.1821 in Neddenaverbergen bei Verden
There are similar people in the OFB Verden - St. Andreasgemeinde (ev.-luth.)!
Johann Dierk FRICKE ✶ 07.01.1819 in Neddenaverbergen bei Verden, † 02.02.1821 in Neddenaverbergen bei Verden
There are similar people in the OFB Bad Fallingbostel!
There are similar people in the OFB Dorfmark!
There are similar people in the OFB Brockel!
There are similar people in the OFB Harburg/Elbe!
There are similar people in the OFB Lavelsloh!
There are similar people in the OFB Edemissen!
There are similar people in the OFB Eddesse!
There are similar people in the OFB Schwiegershausen (Osterode am Harz)!
There are similar people in the OFB Cramme!
There are similar people in the OFB Harpstedt!
There are similar people in the OFB Celle-West!
There are similar people in the OFB Dorste!
There are similar people in the OFB Förste-Nienstedt!
There are similar people in the OFB Calbecht!
There are similar people in the OFB Hattorf am Harz!
There are similar people in the OFB Drakenburg!
There are similar people in the OFB Dettum!
There are similar people in the OFB Groß Stöckheim!
There are similar people in the OFB Klein Stöckheim!
There are similar people in the OFB Leiferde!
There are similar people in the OFB Rüningen!
There are similar people in the OFB Salzdahlum!
There are similar people in the OFB Wendessen!
There are similar people in the OFB Celle!
There are similar people in the OFB Altes Amt Diepholz!
There are similar people in the OFB Lehrte (incl. Burgdorf)!
There are similar people in the OFB Sehlde und Innerstetal!
There are similar people in the OFB Heidekreis Süd!
There are similar people in the OFB Wetzleben!
There are similar people in the OFB Groß Biewende!
There are similar people in the OFB Jerxheim!
There are similar people in the OFB Kissenbrück!
There are similar people in the OFB Klein Biewende!
There are similar people in the OFB Lucklum!
There are similar people in the OFB Erkerode!
There are similar people in the OFB Evessen!
There are similar people in the OFB Ronnenberg!
There are similar people in the OFB Pöhlde!
There are similar people in the OFB Hehlen-Daspe!
There are similar people in the OFB Intschede!
Baptism: |
01 Jan 1819 Eitzum |
Beruf: Dienstknecht (von 23.3.1844) in Schöppenstedt |
:: Notice |
In this family report all information about Johann Heinrich Ludwig FRICKE is summarized. The listed names are (except of data protection) linking to the family reports of the selected persons. In the list of similar persons in other OFBs, the exact matches are highlighted in light blue. |
:: Contact |
For further information concerning these data and, if you have additions, corrections or questions, please contact:
Ruth Ohlhoff
Niedersächsischer Landesverein für Familienkunde e.V.
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